
What Truly is at the Heart of Fixing

My name is Melissa and I am a fixer….. 

My son, Michael, can attest to that.  He has definitely been affected by my fixing behavior.  Michael is full of life and energy.  There have been several times, in his younger years especially, when I tried to fix him. I tried to get him to be what others (and myself) wanted him to be.  “Just sit still and be quiet.  Keep your hands to yourself.  Just do what you are told and don’t ask questions”.  Unfortunately, those words have come out of my mouth a lot with absolutely no conversation around them.  It was strictly rules and strictly a way of me telling him to just be “good”. There was never any conversation around who he was as a person, why he did things the way he did, and how to be the real him in this world.  As long as my focus was on fixing him, I missed out on enjoying him and his wonderful, fun-loving spirit.    

What do you think started happening next?  He started hiding.  I was not a safe place to come so he just didn’t tell me when he got in trouble at school or when he was having problems with a friend.  He knew my answer would just be a behavior modification and all about how he needed to be different.  He had experienced the fact that there was no real love in that kind of answer.  My answer instead spoke the opposite of love.   It said, “You are embarrassing me.  Act better so I at least look like a better mom.”  I wouldn’t trust me either! 

Do you ever try to help someone?  You see their “problem” and feel like they just aren’t understanding how to control or fix it.  A lot of times we just jump in to “save them”!  No matter how many times I tell myself that I am doing this because I love the person I am trying to fix, it is not true.   

So, what is fixing really about?  For me, fixing has several synonyms.  It means control and stuffing away of reality.  Fixing means I will be less embarrassed and frustrated.  All will be well in the world….Not!  Sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge that we fix.  At times I think we even fall for the false believe that what we are doing is something that should be held in high esteem. I know I can easily fool myself into believing that I am really just being such a good helper and that I have to be right.   

The truth is though that fixing is not helping.  It’s damaging.  It puts a wall up in our relationships therefore the relationships can’t mature and grow.   

When we remove fixing from our relationships, we are free to actually get to know, understand and love the other person.  As long as fixing another person is my goal then I cannot experience the love they have for me and I cannot truly love them.  Offering an environment of trust where a person can come to me with no expectation of being fixed is freeing for both people.  We get to know each other and appreciate our unique traits.  Relationships thrive and grow there.  Love grows there. 


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What Do You See?

In the picture attached to this post, there are actually three very different things one might notice when looking at it. What do you see?

In life, we encounter situations in which we believe very strongly that we know all we need to know about what’s going on. We are surprised when others have a different opinion. Often, we find out later that we misread the circumstances. Maybe we were partially right, but there was much more than what we thought we saw. We can do the same with people, letting our initial impressions define who we think a person is. Later, we may find out that we were very wrong about our assessment.

Another area we can do this is reading the Bible. There is so much available to us in Scripture, and we have a tendency to think we have things figured out. Many of us have a strong tendency to trust our perspective, but it can be awfully flawed.

Our perspective has been pieced together over time, like an unfinished puzzle. It is unique and important, but it isn’t perfect. It’s always missing pieces.

Our perspective is formed by a lifetime of interactions with others and our environment. Love, hurt, rejection, loss, betrayal, traumatic events, success, failure…it all plays a role in forming the lens with which we view the world around us.

Since our perspective may sometimes impair our ability to judge accurately, what are we to do to help us see what’s really in front of us?

We must be willing to admit to ourselves and others that we don’t have it all figured out.

Input from others helps us see the full picture. This not only includes situations we find ourselves in and people we meet, but even what we see when we evaluate ourselves! Our self-reflection and self-analysis isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. We need honest assessments from those around us who know us and love us.

When looking at the picture attached to this post, some see a little girl, some see scenery, and others see a skull. I may have only seen the little girl without having input from others who see the scenery and the skull. No big deal there. It’s just a picture. But when I dismiss people from my lives because my assessment of them tells me they are not worth my time, I very well may be missing out on some pretty fantastic encounters and friendships. If I read over a familiar passage of Scripture quickly without my heart open to what God may be saying to me, I may miss a new experience with God and truth that I desperately need to rest in.

Finding God’s truth is not something we do on our own. We do it together.

Trusting ourselves with each other does not mean absence of disagreement. In fact, disagreement is necessary and healthy along the way. But we need God’s grace to make our way through multiple incomplete perspectives trying to come together in love to discover the truth. The gospel of grace is of upmost importance for us to rely on. God gives grace to the humble (1 Peter 5:5; James 4:6), so to experience grace we must humble ourselves with each other. Humility, or willingness to be vulnerable with each other, is the key to working through conflict and disagreement to embrace truth. Humility lets us admit we need others to speak into our lives. It’s what helps us see not just the little girl in the picture, but also the scenery (which may represent details about what is going on) and the skull (which may represent potential pitfalls or danger) as well.

Ultimately, truth is not just knowledge or things to know. Christ referred to Himself as “the truth”. Knowing the truth is knowing Christ. As believers we are referred to as “the body of Christ”. As “the body of Christ”, we have access to the truth. It’s in us because Christ is in us. However, we must work together, like hands and feet, to realize and embrace the truth. If we try to go it alone, we will forfeit precious moments of closeness (intimacy) with God and each other.


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Guest Post – Vulnerability vs Transparency

Today we are sharing a guest post from our friends at Trueface.  This is from their new 365 day devotional that will be released next month.  Their idea with this book is to present one idea per day: keeping it simple so it can be profoundly applicable.  You can find out more and preorder the devotional at



Why is it you can be around someone telling you personal things about themselves and yet you still feel outside their loop? Maybe it’s because there’s a chasm of difference between transparency and ­vulnerability. Transparency is choosing to disclose yourself to others but in ways you choose. You’re being open but you’re in control, with little intention of letting anyone in. Preachers have often been accused of this selective openness. In vulnerability, you not only tell the truth about you but also allow others in to help. You’re giving others permission to know the pain of your weakness, allowing them to care for you.

You’re not only allowing yourself to come out of hiddenness, but you are also no longer pretending you can solve what you’ve revealed. The important point is not that something gets fixed, but that nothing ever has to be hidden. Have you been transparent or vulnerable with the issues in your life? Who would you let in to ask for their care and help?

1 Peter 1:22


Our Focus Matters

Where or on what do you find yourself focused?  I tend to frequently catch myself focused on my to-do list.  If I were honest with myself, I would have to say that it is my security blanket.  I love checking things off and usually for every one thing I check off two more things are added!  I get a little anxious if I do not have a long list of to-dos.  As I ponder on this I realize that I do the same thing with my relationship with God.  I tend to focus on the to-do list and miss seeing Him.

In John Chapter 14, Jesus is talking with the disciples and tells them about his soon coming crucifixion and resurrection. Thomas is confused on what Jesus is talking about and questions how they are supposed to know the way to him.  Jesus responds, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me”. (John 14:6, ESV)

Jesus is guiding their focus.  He does not mention any task or long list of to-dos that will bring them to Him.  He is the way.  He is the focus. 

 If I observe myself enough I will see a pattern.  My focus affects me.  The effects spills over into my relationships and affect others.  For example, my husband, Neil, loves the bread I make and I usually enjoy doing it on Sunday afternoons.    Notice I said that I “usually” enjoy it.  Where my focus is at explains that statement.  When I am doing this strictly out of necessity and because it is a rule I set up for myself then it usually looks like this:  I am rude and sarcastic with Neil. Every time he walks by, I am sure to huff, puff and let out a loud sigh.  I make a point to let him know that I do not have time to talk because I am making his bread!    I am sure you can picture how the rest of afternoon and evening goes from there.  Now let’s look at the same scenario from a different focus.  The truth is I do enjoy baking bread.  I do enjoy the fact that Neil loves it.  It is an expression of love and he receives it from me.  When my focus is on love it looks different.  It is freeing.  It does not mean I want him in my way while I am baking but my response is different.  I can actually speak civilly to him and let him know that I will be in the kitchen for a little while and need to be alone while baking.  There is no grudges or manipulation going on.  I bake the same loaf of bread either way but the rest of my day goes differently.  I am able to enjoy Neil when my focus is on love.  I do not really enjoy any of it when my focus is on it just being a rule I have to follow on Sunday afternoons. 

 Jesus is reminding the disciples that He is all they need.  He is right there with them.  He is the way.  By focusing on Him, the tasks will get done.  They will be done through love because He is love and when our focus stays on Him love flows out of what we do.  Our relationships grow deeper and deeper.  We are changed because of Him. 

 Now don’t get me wrong.  I am definitely not saying that every Sunday afternoon I bake the most loving loaf of bread you could ever have.  I have plenty of Sunday afternoons where I bake bread begrudgingly.  However, I also know what it is like to bake bread lovingly and that is the experience I would choose.  Because I know and have experienced the latter, I am able to catch myself when I am baking for any other reason than love.  I can then choose to continue with that focus or talk it through with God and Neil which brings my focus back on Him. 

 I encourage you to look for your focus this week.  I am definitely not asking you to do this in order to beat yourself up but so you can see how your focus affects you. 


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Right Here, Right Now

“Choosing” by Alli Rogers

I guess I need to choose
But today I am confused and losing ground
Is this part of some plan?
The rise and fall of man?
I can’t be sure

When I’m away from my source of peace
Something fills that space in me
And it feels like I don’t need you

It’s easy to get by
When I don’t even try to find the truth
Today I learned that faith
Is not to be obtained like a place I can go

It’s more of a choice than a feeling
More of a wound that healing
The act of believing in you

And I guess I need to choose
But today I am confused
And losing ground

But maybe this is where I grow
When I admit that I don’t know
When belief becomes the only way to you

The above lyrics are to a song that I love. A song that speaks volumes to me. It’s written and sung by Alli Rogers and I recommend you check her out.

The song starts out saying what I say to myself quite often. I feel lost, confused and unsure what my life is supposed to look like. Sometimes I hide behind these feeling and emotions and tell myself that “it’s easier to get by when I don’t even try to find the truth”. That sounds like something I have to work at. I don’t know how to even begin doing that though.

But then there’s the line that says faith is not obtained like a place I can go. That doesn’t match my tendency to put God and faith in this far away place that I’m trying to get to. I can try and try but walking this path leads only to us “losing ground and being confused”. I can work on finding the plan God has for me and surely I’ll finally get to the point I can talk with God and He’ll be ready to help me right?

I know this is a false belief if I stop and look at God’s truth that tells me He is omnipresent and that He is loving on me right here where I’m at. Trusting in God in my present circumstances is faith. That may look like admitting I don’t know, admitting I’m confused and then choosing to trust my loving Father. It’s not the picture I’ve always had in my mind of God sitting on a throne with his arms crossed waiting for me to finally find him. It’s God standing with me as I face my confusion, my wounds, and whatever else comes my way. This is how I grow.


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One Thing after Another

Sometimes in life we experience a series of events that feel like a beating. We are hit with one difficult circumstance, and before we can recover we are hit with another. It feels like one thing after another. Often, a sense of hopelessness sets in. We become angry. Anxiety increases as we anticipate the next punch in the gut. The fact that it’s not just one thing that has happened to us, but many, makes it seem more likely that it’s an attack on us.

What is going on? Is God ignoring my pain? Why doesn’t He fix this? Does He care? Is He angry and punishing me? What did I do wrong to warrant this?

Those are just a few of the questions that arise in the midst of circumstances that seem to snowball until it is all more than we can handle.

Why doesn’t He change our circumstances?

Good question, but I’m not even going to try to answer this one. When we try, we go in circles. I have read many writings in which the authors have attempted to tackle this question. They all fall flat for me. The answers I’ve found sound like something that came from a person who had no idea what it was like to get knocked down repetitively in life. Perhaps they were well-intended responses, with the goal to help others. However, pat answers are not lasting solutions.

The truth is, 99% of the time we have no idea why He chooses not to step in the way we would like for Him to. So, instead of mulling over a question that we could spend years on and still get nowhere, let’s look at a question that we can actually tackle and see where it takes us.

What did I do wrong to warrant this?

This question implies that we are being punished when we experience bad circumstances. It assumes there is something wrong with us, and that God is displeased with us. Paul says in Romans 8:1, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus”. In John 9:1-3, when asked by the disciples whose sin caused a man to be blind, Jesus responds like this, “…It was not that this man sinned, or his parents, but that the works of God might be displayed in him.” The man, nor his parents, had done anything to cause his condition. Jesus also implied that God was working in and through the man in the midst of his blindness. What we can derive from this, and this is very important, is that when faced with bad circumstances we tend to lose sight of who we are and who God is. The questions we wind up asking reflect this distorted view.

There are three truths that may help us see things more clearly.

First of all, when we place our trust in Jesus Christ, we become new creations. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.” As believers, we are “in Christ”. With this new identity, we are fully accepted, loved unconditionally, forgiven, saints, adopted children, complete, friends of Christ, justified, and free from condemnation. No longer is the word “punish” used in reference to us. Christ took all the punishment for sin on the cross.

Second, God is not who we think He is sometimes. When we see Him as a vengeful, displeased, angry, or aloof father, we see Him incorrectly. We’ve been lied to by others, our circumstances, and perhaps even our feelings. God is, instead, intimately involved in our lives, kind, compassionate, always pleased with us in Christ, full of grace and mercy, tenderhearted and forgiving, and smiling as He thinks of us. God is proud of us, His beloved children! (Romans 8:28-29; Hebrews 12:5-11; 2 Corinthians 7:4).

The third truth is not like the first two. These first two truths are foundational for us. When we trust the truths of who we are in Christ and who God really is, our perspective changes. The way we interact with others changes. Everything changes. This third truth is important when we just don’t have answers. This truth is this: “God is mysterious, and so are His ways”. This is not something we want to hear when we are struggling. We want answers. However, many times we do not get them…or we wait years until we finally get them. Although He has mysterious ways, we can choose to trust the truth that He is lovingly involved even when we cannot see it ourselves. This may require us to open up to trusted others and express our feelings, our doubts, and our needs. When we are hurting, we need to be heard. Insightful and caring input from others who listen well to our words and needs can help carry us through those times when the first two truths are evasive. God may be mysterious at times, but it is not hidden that He works through our relationships with others to care for us and meet our needs.


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Experiencing Love, Part 2

If you have not already, I encourage you to read my post from last week before reading this one.  Last week I shared my experience with opening up about not experiencing God’s love.  I knew what I believed to be true but felt like an imposter because I did not feel like I had actually experienced these truths like other people had seemed to.  I was asked a couple of key questions and encouraged you to ask yourself as well.  What does it look like for God to love me?  What do I think it should look like?

We can begin by looking at our relationships with others.  When do I receive love from my husband or others that I trust?  What does that look like?

When I pondered those questions and was truly honest with myself my answer revolved around performance.  I am able to receive love from my close relationships when I think they are pleased with me.  I am not saying that they think this way but this is what goes on in my mind.  When they are happy and enjoying what I have done for them then they can enjoy me.  The moment I do something wrong I immediately think the opposite becomes true.  I take their unhappiness very personal.  When this happens, either I become defensive and angry or I try to fix it and immediately start apologizing.  So, am I truly receiving love from them even when everyone is happy & pleased?  I do not think I can if I am solely basing it on my performance and actions.

When I equate giving and experiencing love with what I do for others then I am affecting my ability to actually experience the love they have for me and to offer them the love I truly have for them. 

 If my relationships with others are based on my performance then I see my relationship with God the same way.  The way we view and interact with others reflects the way we view and interact with God. Therefore, if we perform for love with our close relationships with people, then we do the same with God.  This truth bears an answer to my question of how I seek God’s love.  For much of my life, my motive was attempting to earn love. I did not realize this, but it was something I felt I had control over since it was all up to me to earn. My flesh tells me I must perform well to be loved, and I bought that lie hook, line, and sinker. The sad result of that perspective was a lack of experiencing true love. I failed more than I succeeded in feeling like I performed well. It is so much work to please so many others and God. I can only do so much, and it was never enough. I do not have the energy to flip all the switches and keep all the lights burning. The best I could experience was a love that was conditional, as it was dependent upon my performance for Him and others. Sometimes I felt okay, most of the time I did not. In recent years, I have intentionally departed from that mindset. I have found myself saying “no” to things that I used to would have said “yes” to.  Separating “working for Him” from “being loved by Him” has proven to be a struggle for me. Since deep down I still often tie love to performance, I have found myself frequently missing the experience of His deep love for me.

God tells us that His love is free and unconditional.  It is not at all related to what I do.  His love is there because of who He is and because of who I am in Christ.  Wayne Jacobsen wrote a great book entitled He Loves Me.  I have read it multiple times and am finding myself going through it again as I question what it looks like for God to love me.  He says “But perception is not necessarily reality.  If we define God only in our limited interpretation of our own circumstances, we will never discover who He really is.”  He goes on to say, “God knows how difficult it is for us to accept His love, and He teaches us with more patience than we’ve ever known”.

Father, than you for your patience.  Thank you for loving us even though we cannot comprehend it.  Thank you for your love that is pure, true and unconditional.  Father, show us how you love us intimately and personally.  Help us experience it for what it is and not for what we sometimes think it is.


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Experiencing Love, Part 1

Have you ever had that nagging thought that makes you question everything about yourself?  You know, that thing that pops up over and over and you begin to wonder if your life is real or if it’s a charade.   I have been struggling recently with this question, “Do I really believe what I say I believe?”.    Different little things pop into my mind and tell me that I’m an imposter.  A fake.  A hypocrite.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  It was time to get this out.  I decided to open up and talk with my husband.

I began blubbering and making no sense.  Did I really want to say this aloud?  I was in a safe place with someone I trusted so yes, I did want to say this out loud.  I was tired of it controlling my mind.

I began explaining what I know is true.  God loves me unconditionally.  I have been saved by His grace and love.  I do not have to earn his love and grace.  It is a free gift from God.  This removes striving, people pleasing, hiding, etc.  I am free from the bondage of sin.  I still have flesh and I still sin but it no longer defines me.   I am righteous.  I am Christ in Melissa McLamb.   I know these things are true.

So what’s the problem?  Well to be honest, I know these truths but I don’t feel like I have actually experienced these truths.  I don’t have a “big story” of how I experienced it like others often seem to have.  I mean, I have a story but it doesn’t seem significant or impactful.  It doesn’t seem real.

I realize that I haven’t experienced my own story!  That was eye opening.

Neil asked, “What does it look like for God to love you?  What do you think it should look like?”.  I didn’t have an answer to those questions.  I had never thought about it.  I had only thought about what it looked like when God loved other people, not me.  I get uncomfortable when I actually think about God loving me.  That’s getting very personal!

God is going to approach us from a perspective of fully knowing and understanding who we are.  He is not going to force me to experience His love in an uncomfortable way.  He has good intentions and He doesn’t mess up.

I encourage you to ask yourself those same questions.  What does it look like for God to love you?  What do you think it should look like?  It is personal.  It is your story.  It is unique and special because you are special and loved by God.


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The Matrix

A couple of years ago, I was watching a video in which Bruce McNicol (of Trueface) discussed what he called “The Matrix”. His words hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized I often live in a matrix when it comes to the concept of God’s grace. I do not think I am alone.

Too much knowledge, not enough experience.

Many believers have access to plenty of knowledge of what Scripture says. Preachers preach it. Sunday School teachers teach it. Small group leaders facilitate the presentation of it. Apps on our phones will even read it to us straight out of whatever translation we want to pick. In America, most of us are not lacking the ability to learn what is in the Bible.

While being free to learn and know so much about God, the abundance of knowledge does not necessarily make us livers of what we know. Beyond a shadow of a doubt He knows us intimately. However, just because we know things about Him does not mean we are experiencing the love and grace He wants us to receive.

Love must be experienced for it to be real to us. Otherwise, it is just another word.

Knowing things but those things not sinking in and changing my perspective is “The Matrix” that I’m referring to. Me telling people my wife loves me because she tells me so does not equate to me embracing her love for me. In fact, she cannot make me receive her love no matter how much she loves me. Also, my effort to learn more about her and reciting her words to me that she loves me does not lead to intimacy with her. Sure, those efforts on my part may be helpful, but they will not assure me real, deep connection with her. It is the same with God.

So many of us go to organized religious settings, sitting and listening to sermons, participating in small groups, listening to “Christian” music, and reading our Bibles and “Christian” books. Again, while these activities may provide much needed truth, we can easily wind up in “The Matrix”…knowing a bunch of things that we don’t really experience in our daily lives.

We must acknowledge what we know but don’t truly trust.

How can we avoid being trapped in “The Matrix”? First, it is good to openly acknowledge those things that we say we believe that there is little to no evidence that we actually believe. For instance, God says He loves me unconditionally. Therefore, if I find myself constantly working hard to try to please Him out of fear of rejection, then I am not truly resting in the reality of His never-ending love for me. This type of realization is not easy for most of us. We are very used to just saying what we are supposed to believe as if we actually believe it. Many of us have learned to “fake it until we make it”. Hogwash. God doesn’t want us to fake a thing. He desires that we trust Him by acknowledging our struggle to believe truths and to surrender those things that keep us in bondage…including those things that keep us locked up in “The Matrix”.

We must let ourselves be loved.

Second, we must embark on the wonderful, but often scary, journey of letting others love us. This requires us to practice humility in order to let people into our lives. This means taking off the masks we hide behind so that people can see the real us. Then, when they love us, they are loving US…not our masks. Then, and only then, can we receive the love others have for us. Otherwise, our masks keep it from us.

Living and experiencing love from our Father and each other is what grace is all about. The Matrix serves only to put forth the false image of living out the gospel as we can recite it without any experience of it changing our lives. The gospel of grace is so much more than a theology for us to learn and know. It’s an environment. It’s relational. It changes everything.


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Hiding in Plain View

I’ve written quite a bit about hiding our true selves from others. I do it for several reasons. One of those reasons is how hiddenness prevents us from enjoying and getting close to each other.

A sinister thing about hiding is that you can do it in plain view of others. We can go to church every Sunday, join several godly-looking committees, put on a big fake smile and flashy clothes, look down on those who don’t do those things, and feel pretty darn good about ourselves. Others may envy us as we look like the “good Christian who has it all together”.

All the while, we have things just beneath the surface of our masks that look nothing like the show we are putting on in front of others. We may find ourselves denying that those things even exist. When we stumble over them, we sweep them back under the rug as soon as possible so we don’t get exposed.

For some of us, the mask doesn’t ever seem to slip. We’ve fashioned it in such a way that it fits snuggly against the face we want to keep hidden…a face we haven’t even seen ourselves in a very long time.

Let me drop the symbolism here for second. In short, none of us are as “well-put-together” as we often want to seem. We have pet sins that we just can’t seem to put down. We aren’t as “successful” as we wish we were. We aren’t the father, mother, son, daughter, or friend we had hoped to be. We have deep hurts that seem to persistently bleed through the bandages we keep throwing on top of them.

Ironically, while we disguise ourselves so that others do not see our faults, there is a tendency for us to look at others and pick them apart. In fact, the thicker our own masks are, the more we are tempted to do that to others. The slightest slip-up in another person’s life and we are ready to toss them aside…all the while using them as the source of some juicy gossip. While we laugh and feel accepted in those conversations, we are again fooled by masks around us. If the primary source for conversation is gossip, then authentic friendship is the furthest thing away from the conversation.

When we get home from a long day of putting on a show, we often continue to hide in different ways. Some of us withdraw to TV, some hobby we’ve picked up, or too much to drink. Some of us let all the frustration spill over with those we are closest to, so they do actually get something real from us. However, unfortunately it is a lot of misplaced anger that only serves as another layer of something to hide behind. Then there are those of us who slip on another mask as best we can and try to keep the charade going at home.

Is there no end to this madness? It’s nauseating when we take notice of what we are doing and what’s happening around us. Billboards blatantly lie to us about what we can expect if we just give them some of our hard-earned cash. The news tells us a warped, biased version of what’s really going on in the world. And local churches even get sucked into the phoniness with empty platitudes and the all-to-often-used response, “We’re doing just fine!”

Where can we go to find something real and authentic? More importantly, where can we BE real and authentic?

The answer is a hard one to swallow. We can start being real right where we are. It isn’t easy. It’s scary. What if we let others see who we really are and they don’t like it at all?! Is it even worth the risk? For many of us, the answer is still, “No, it’s not”. But for some of us, taking that risk is looking more and more inviting as we tire of the mask-wearing and phony lives that leave us feeling empty and cold.

While it’s scary to take off the masks we hold so dear, it’s also usually hard to figure out how to do it. They are often applied with something not unlike superglue. We don’t know ourselves after we’ve spent so much time covering up our true selves.

So, the question is posed. Who am I really? I need to know some sort of answer, at least a hint, in order to embrace and be my true self.

If I wanted to find out about a product of any kind, the best place to go would be the person who created that product. Who invented it? Reading about what goes into the product is not enough. Actually talking with the creator would serve to give us the full picture of what that product is and what it’s designed for. Actually knowing the creator would give us a sense of what went into the making of that product.

The same is with us. We need to seek our creator if we are to truly understand who we are. God formed us in our mothers’ wombs. He actually knew us long before that. We can read about the truths of who we are in Scripture, and that is good. However, reading is not enough. Simply having knowledge is not enough. We need a relationship with our creator in which He can walk with us and continually show us how He views us in order for us to let it all soak in. It will only be a reality we can live out in our lives once we have had experiences with Him that permeate every fiber of our being.

This may all sound a little kooky, or at least too over-simplified and/or over-spiritualized for those of us truly struggling with our masks and wanting freedom. Perhaps we must start with something tangible and right in front of us. Maybe we need to sit down with one person we trust and ask them to tell us what they see when they look at us. That person may be surprised by that question, so we may need to press them a little to be honest. We may need to share just a little about what we are pursuing. We may need to share our own observations of them. This isn’t a time for criticism and fake compliments, but for sharing real insight into what we see at the very core of each other. The realness in that little conversation might break the seal on the old mask we put into place long ago.

Humility (being real about who we really are) can start with the smallest step of faith you can imagine. Ask God for an opportunities to experience trusting Him and others with yourself. That’s a prayer He loves answering. We will miss some of those opportunities, no doubt. But the ones we embrace will make all the difference in the world.


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