The Foundation That Holds Us

The struggle has been very real for me.  I am constantly focused on it and that is only increasing my downward spiral.  What is the solution?  I am frozen until this question is answered so I am on the hunt.  If I can figure out a solution then I can get this under control!  It’s all up to me.  Then, I’ll be free to move on with my life and enjoy it.   So what do I do?  I have become consumed with figuring out a plan to fix me. 

 But……..things are only getting worse.  I may temporarily get better but it is not true, lasting change.  So I carry on the search for the answer. Something is missing, though.  I know it but cannot put my finger on it.   

 Galatians 2:20 says “I have been crucified with Christ. It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me. And the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  (ESV)

 This verse appeared while I was reading a book as part of my search for a cure to my problems.  I began to think through everything and my search for a plan.  I noticed a common thread……the words I, mine, me.  All I could focus on was my perception of me and how I could fix it.  Needless to say, my perception of me was not a very good one.  It was full of words such as frustrated, angry, cynical, weak, dumb, and the list goes on and on.  This was all I could see.  No wonder I was stuck and growing even more frustrated!  No wonder I was on a search for the next best plan to cure what ailed me. 

 The search for a plan had to stop.  It was keeping me stuck in this pity party I was having for myself.  Yes, I still will make poor choices, go back to searching at times, get angry and frustrated but it no longer defines me because I have faith in Jesus.  I cannot get unstuck as long as I am living like my flesh defines me.  When I do that, I just focus on things that are not true about me like I described above.  Yes, I will still get angry but I am not an angry person.  I will still make poor decisions at times but I am not dumb.  Since I have been crucified with Christ, my identity statement is different.  My foundation is laid with truths about who I am because of Jesus.  I am righteous, holy, redeemed, perfect, and more.  I am okay! 

 I am not saying that plans are evil and if you follow one then you are evil too.  That is not true at all.  I am saying that I realized in my failing search for a plan to solve my problems that my focus was off.  Searching for a plan through the label of truth changes everything.  Truth can show up in many different ways.  It can be words from another person.  It can be something you read. It may be a song you hear or something you see.  God knows how to whisper these truths to us in a way

It goes back to how I see myself and how I see God.  It has to go back to the foundation of truth. 


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Fitting In Verses Belonging

Think back to your first day of high school.  The night before you are full of emotions.  You are excited but there’s a layer of fear that you just can’t shake.  You call your friends up to see what they are wearing for the big day.  You wished you had asked that just out of curiosity and part of general conversation but the question had different roots.  Would you fit in?   All of a sudden, the outfit you had picked out for this big day became lame.  Now you are doubting.  I am going to look like a dork?  Sally is going to look so much better than me.  If only my mom had let me buy that more expensive top!

You could hardly sleep.  You’ve waited for this time in your life and now it’s finally here.  Then the excitement started to be eaten away.  Fear and doubt started to take over.  The unknown became the reason you couldn’t sleep now!  Will people like me?  Will they laugh at my clothes?  My braces make me look hideous!  And of course a large zit has popped out.  The end of my nose is now large and shiny, like Rudolph.  Everyone will definitely see me coming!  That’s not exactly the grand entrance I had planned to make!

We all know the feelings and awkwardness that goes along with trying to fit in, right?  You know, doing whatever it takes, wearing whatever it takes and even talking a certain way to make sure we’re “included”.  I wish I could say that fitting in was just something we did when we were teenagers but I would be lying to myself.  We spend a lot of time doing this throughout our lives.  If we didn’t then there wouldn’t be a market for trendy clothing, haircuts, and diets!

More goes on inside of us than simply getting someone to like us when we are trying to fit in.  Comparison, hiding and losing sight of who we are can take over. 

“But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding.” 2 Corinthians 10:12b.

Fitting in says we have to be like them.  We have to do what they want.  We have to keep our needs and desires quiet.  Fitting in means I look at myself only through a lens of comparison to others.  Where do I stand according to their requirements?  Do I have what it takes?  Am I pretty enough?  Thin enough?  Smart enough?  Funny enough?  The list can go on and on.  I compare me to them.  Comparison feeds the lie that I am not enough and probably never will be.  Comparison says that I must work harder.

Comparison leads to not understanding who we truly are.

Fitting in keeps you from knowing who you are.  We are constantly trying to be what someone else wants of us (even if we don’t know what that is or are just assuming we know).  As long as we are doing that we will hide who we truly are.  We will lose sight of the person God made us to be.  We will forget our own beauty and uniqueness.  We will think the real me is just dumb and unlikeable.

The more we try to act like another, the less we can be ourselves. 

 Embracing who we are because of God’s love and grace gives us freedom to belong instead of fitting in.  Belonging is different than fitting in.  Belonging says, “I love and accept you.”  Belonging is such a gift and it doesn’t require us to change.  It allows us to be who we are and to be loved for it.  Belonging leads to true friendship and relationships.  Love and grace bloom there.

I encourage you to think about your relationships.  Where are you belonging vs fitting in?  Do you see the difference in your posture when you’re around those different relationships?  Have you experienced the true freedom of belonging?  It can begin with your relationship with Jesus.  He is not asking us to fit in with Him.  He’s not asking us to change.  He loves you no matter what you are wearing, no matter what size you are and no matter how smart you are.  Sometimes that’s hard to believe and understand, I know, but it is so true.

I would love to hear your thoughts on belonging vs fitting in.  Feel free to leave a comment and we can discuss this further.


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Living Small and Curious

What do the words small and curious mean to you? These two words can mean different things.  Recently I have read several different things where those words popped up. Small and curious.  These two words have stuck with me.

At times we tend to focus on trying to make everything big, planned and figured out.  Unfortunately during this we miss a lot.  Life’s journey is full of beautiful and intricate details.  When we stay large and uninterested we easily miss it.  When I try to go straight to the end result, I tend to miss the beauty along the way.

Being small and curious still leads me but it allows me to live and love along the way.  Let’s start with the word small.  I’m not referring to size, stature, belittled or cowering.  Instead, small here is referring to my place.  When I’m small, I’m looking up.  I’m seeing life around me. I’m seeing others.  I’m seeing God.  Imagine looking under a quilt or something cross stitched.  The finished result on top is a piece of art but underneath shows all the steps and detail that went into it.  Being small is living and seeing experiences from underneath.

What about curious?  I’m not referring to being nosey.  Instead, curious means I’m being open.  I am no longer just seeing an end result or a plan.  I actually see others and their experiences.  I can see how things work together.  My eyes are open. My heart is open.  I enter into daily life with a sense of curiosity instead of through a rigid agenda or preconceived notion about the person or thing I’m encountering.

Being small and curious brings freedom.  It’ s a freedom for me and a freedom for those around me.  With a small and curious posture I listen to others and ask questions out of love.  I let others talk.  I don’t take things personal.  This freedom also allows me to be okay with not having the answers.  I don’t fix.

I stay small and listen.  I stay curious and love.  Grace abounds.    

Job 12:7-12 The Message (MSG)

“But ask the animals what they think—let them teach you;
let the birds tell you what’s going on.
Put your ear to the earth—learn the basics.
Listen—the fish in the ocean will tell you their stories.
Isn’t it clear that they all know and agree
that God is sovereign, that he holds all things in his hand—
Every living soul, yes,
every breathing creature?
Isn’t this all just common sense,
as common as the sense of taste?
Do you think the elderly have a corner on wisdom,
that you have to grow old before you understand life?”


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The Question I Bring Into 2019

It is now 2019!  A new year.  This can mean different things to different people.  Some like to look ahead, set goals and make plans.  Some like to reflect on the year that just closed its door.  I have chosen the latter.  In doing so, a pile of emotions has been poured out and I am not sure what to do with them.  It is like a bag of colorful legos strewn on the floor with no guide to tell you how to put them together.

I began by asking myself this question:  “What has 2018 represented for me?”

I was thinking that this question could be answered fairly easily and quickly.  Boy was I wrong!  I sat for a while and the only things that popped into my head was just ordinary, everyday things that I do repetitiously without much thought.  At first I became a little sad when all I could think of was that 2018 was full of getting up, getting ready, going to work, coming home, eating dinner, cleaning house, doing laundry, going to bed and repeat.  I really sat for a long time and that was all I could think of.  Then I became a little angry at myself.  I know there was more to 2018 than this.  Slowly, things began to pop in my mind.  Fun trips, a great concert, two hurricanes, and the passing of a loved one.  How did those things not pop into my mind immediately when I began reflecting on 2018?

Galatians 2:20 says “I have been crucified with Christ.  It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.  And the life I now live in the flesh, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me.”  What does this mean in relation to actually experiencing everyday life?  It tells me that I have been made new.  Christ lives in me now and defines who I really am.  How can trusting that and living by faith in the Son of God change my perspective? 

 This was something I had to sit with.  I really wanted to avoid it and I kept trying to push it away but the pull to actually experience my everyday life (not just live it) was too strong. 

A few days later Neil and I were reading in Trust for Today by the Trueface Team.  That particular day’s devotion talked about our new identity in Christ.  Immediately my mind went back to my question I had been pondering so I read the entry with that curious lens on.  It asked about living in the freedom of our new identity verses relentless discontentment in striving.  That part stuck out to me.  Well, two particular words stuck out to me:  relentless discontentment.

I realized that I was working hard to find something but did not know what that something was and I definitely did not know that I already had it!

 I am usually trying hard to be content and happy (and to keep those I love content and happy too).  If I am honest though, I don’t even know what I’m looking for.  I keep expecting to just “feel it” and then the searching will automatically end.  So, I guess I keep expecting faith and trust to just happen and then I’ll believe my new identity and there will be world peace!  However, the searching never ends.  It just becomes a cycle because I do not even know what I am looking for other than a “feeling”.

2018 consisted of me mostly looking for something I already had.  I was missing it and not embracing it.

It finally clicked.  My hamster wheel run was never ending because I was relentlessly pursuing contentment (even though I did not have a definition for contentment).  There is contentment in my new identity.  I am searching for something I already have.  I cannot experience it if I’m still searching instead of acknowledging and trusting that I already have it.

Question for 2019

That leads to the next question.  What does it look like to trust in what I already have, to embrace and acknowledge the contentment found there and experience life?  That is the question I bring into 2019.  I have put a journal beside my bed so I can write down experiences of 2019 beyond the daily routine.  It is not something I have put on a daily checklist or am making myself do.  It is just a way to reflect and remember the contentment found in embracing my true identity.


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Everyday Repentance and Forgiveness in Relationships

We (Neil and Melissa) will be doing a joint post today. The first part will be written from Neil’s perspective, and the second part will be from Melissa’s. We will conclude with some joint thoughts.  

From Neil’s perspective: 

Mornings have become a hectic time for me. With age, I’ve had to add a couple of different tasks to my “get ready for work” routine, including CPAP machine cleanup, stretches for tendonitis in my shoulder, and vestibular therapy for some nagging issues I have with dizziness. Having so much to cram into such a small time frame is not fun. I love lifting weights, and I feel like I have to rush through it…the one thing in the morning I actually enjoy!! 

Well, that being said, this morning was crazy, as it often is. I had several things happen that set me back, and I was beginning to realize I would be late for work no matter how fast I moved. One thing that needed to be done: packing my lunch. In passing with my wife as she was getting ready, I made the comment, “I really don’t have time to get my lunch together”. And believe me when I say this, I really laid on the pity party pretty thick. I walked away knowing exactly what I had done. Did you see what I did there? 

I wanted Melissa to help me by packing my lunch. Instead of being direct and simply asking if she would, I played a little manipulative game with her. I made comments that could possibly have induced guilt and pity, with the hopes that she would pack my lunch for me.  

This may sound ridiculous. This may sound mean. Well, it was both. I had chosen to be sneaky and manipulative rather than open and honest. I had chosen to wear a mask instead of engaging her with humility. Before she had time to respond to my trickery, I went to her and apologized. I told her exactly what I had done and what I was hoping to get out of her. I believe I could tell by the look on her face that she already knew. She looked at me and told me she understood that I was having a difficult morning. Thankfully, she chose to forgive me. Once again, as she has so many times, my wife offered grace to me. When I did not deserve it, she forgave me and even packed my lunch while I wasn’t looking.  

For some of us, it is so much easier to hide behind indirect behavior than it is to be open and direct…even with those we are closest to. Many times, we do it without realizing what we are doing or the impact that it has. Well, let me be very clear here. It is hurtful, very hurtful, to manipulative others with indirect behaviors such as pity parties (like what I did in the example above), blame, shaming statements, bullying, or any behavior that isn’t born of humility. Checking our motives is CRUCIAL if we are to walk in grace and love, which is the only way that truly produces intimacy and maturity in our relationships.    

From Melissa’s perspective… 

Most mornings, like Neil, I have several things that I like to get done before going to work.  I prefer to work out in the mornings, eat breakfast, wash dishes or start a load of laundry and then try not break my neck from rushing around to get dressed and ready.  I have a tendency to forget about time when I plan my to-do list!  This morning, though, was a relaxing and easygoing morning.  I was not going to work out.  I had laid in bed a little longer than usual and was enjoying moving slowly through my morning.   I was not rushing.  I was calm.   

Before drying my hair I looked at the time.  I breathed even slower when I realized that I had plenty of time left.  I could finish drying my hair and then cook a hot breakfast and actually savor each bite.  I hear Neil come in.  Immediately I can tell that he is not feeling this same calmness.  His morning looked different than mine.  He was huffing and puffing and naming off all he had already done and all that he had left to do before going to work.  I started to feel ashamed of myself.  I couldn’t continue enjoying my calm morning and sit down and slowly eat my breakfast while he was running around.  I had to jump in and help.   

Different emotions began to take over.  There was some anger toward him for ruining the calm zen I had going on.  There was shame at the fact that I was moving slowly and enjoying calmness while Neil had so much to do.  The least I could do was use my time to help.  After all, that is what he wanted me to do right?  He was not directly saying it but I felt it.  My breathing became shallower.  My movements became rushed.  Now I was in a hurry to get my stuff done so I could also help get his stuff done.  It became my responsibility to fix his problems.  Like my post said last week, I am a fixer.   

In the end, I prepared his lunch so he could mark that off his list.  That was really the only thing I could do to help him.  I spent time trying to decide if I could do anything else.  I ate a very quick breakfast and then I rushed out the door.  Did I even remember to pack my own lunch in that frenzy?!?!   

The truth was he was feeling overwhelmed that morning.  His plea for help became a guilt-ridden expectation and stayed that way until he decided to talk with me about it.  He owned what he was doing.  Even though I knew what he was doing, I still responded out of guilt and shame.  Time seemed to stand still long enough for us to talk through this.  The craziness of the morning looked quite comical then.  

Neil apologized and it was not an obligatory apology.  I know this for several reasons, one being he confessed it to me before I even had a chance to respond to his behavior.  He, in detail, was able to tell me what he did and why he did it.  He had searched his own heart.  It was a sincere apology that was only possible because of humility.  He took the courage to tell me that he was manipulating me even though he did not know if I would forgive him or throw his lunch plate at him.  These crazy, little moments are times of growth.  

A conclusion from both of us… 

Neil could have held onto his little secret, and the situation would have remained unresolved. Melissa could have held a grudge, and the situation would have remained unresolved. Trust us, we do both. On the morning we’ve shared with you, we chose a different, better path together.  

Asking ourselves why we do the things we do helps us to see what is in our hearts.  Sometimes it reveals things that we need to ask forgiveness for.  Sometimes it reveals the need to offer forgiveness. Giving and receiving forgiveness is a gift of grace that causes wounds to heal and love to deepen and flourish.

-Neil and Melissa

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What Truly is at the Heart of Fixing

My name is Melissa and I am a fixer….. 

My son, Michael, can attest to that.  He has definitely been affected by my fixing behavior.  Michael is full of life and energy.  There have been several times, in his younger years especially, when I tried to fix him. I tried to get him to be what others (and myself) wanted him to be.  “Just sit still and be quiet.  Keep your hands to yourself.  Just do what you are told and don’t ask questions”.  Unfortunately, those words have come out of my mouth a lot with absolutely no conversation around them.  It was strictly rules and strictly a way of me telling him to just be “good”. There was never any conversation around who he was as a person, why he did things the way he did, and how to be the real him in this world.  As long as my focus was on fixing him, I missed out on enjoying him and his wonderful, fun-loving spirit.    

What do you think started happening next?  He started hiding.  I was not a safe place to come so he just didn’t tell me when he got in trouble at school or when he was having problems with a friend.  He knew my answer would just be a behavior modification and all about how he needed to be different.  He had experienced the fact that there was no real love in that kind of answer.  My answer instead spoke the opposite of love.   It said, “You are embarrassing me.  Act better so I at least look like a better mom.”  I wouldn’t trust me either! 

Do you ever try to help someone?  You see their “problem” and feel like they just aren’t understanding how to control or fix it.  A lot of times we just jump in to “save them”!  No matter how many times I tell myself that I am doing this because I love the person I am trying to fix, it is not true.   

So, what is fixing really about?  For me, fixing has several synonyms.  It means control and stuffing away of reality.  Fixing means I will be less embarrassed and frustrated.  All will be well in the world….Not!  Sometimes we don’t want to acknowledge that we fix.  At times I think we even fall for the false believe that what we are doing is something that should be held in high esteem. I know I can easily fool myself into believing that I am really just being such a good helper and that I have to be right.   

The truth is though that fixing is not helping.  It’s damaging.  It puts a wall up in our relationships therefore the relationships can’t mature and grow.   

When we remove fixing from our relationships, we are free to actually get to know, understand and love the other person.  As long as fixing another person is my goal then I cannot experience the love they have for me and I cannot truly love them.  Offering an environment of trust where a person can come to me with no expectation of being fixed is freeing for both people.  We get to know each other and appreciate our unique traits.  Relationships thrive and grow there.  Love grows there. 


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Our Focus Matters

Where or on what do you find yourself focused?  I tend to frequently catch myself focused on my to-do list.  If I were honest with myself, I would have to say that it is my security blanket.  I love checking things off and usually for every one thing I check off two more things are added!  I get a little anxious if I do not have a long list of to-dos.  As I ponder on this I realize that I do the same thing with my relationship with God.  I tend to focus on the to-do list and miss seeing Him.

In John Chapter 14, Jesus is talking with the disciples and tells them about his soon coming crucifixion and resurrection. Thomas is confused on what Jesus is talking about and questions how they are supposed to know the way to him.  Jesus responds, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me”. (John 14:6, ESV)

Jesus is guiding their focus.  He does not mention any task or long list of to-dos that will bring them to Him.  He is the way.  He is the focus. 

 If I observe myself enough I will see a pattern.  My focus affects me.  The effects spills over into my relationships and affect others.  For example, my husband, Neil, loves the bread I make and I usually enjoy doing it on Sunday afternoons.    Notice I said that I “usually” enjoy it.  Where my focus is at explains that statement.  When I am doing this strictly out of necessity and because it is a rule I set up for myself then it usually looks like this:  I am rude and sarcastic with Neil. Every time he walks by, I am sure to huff, puff and let out a loud sigh.  I make a point to let him know that I do not have time to talk because I am making his bread!    I am sure you can picture how the rest of afternoon and evening goes from there.  Now let’s look at the same scenario from a different focus.  The truth is I do enjoy baking bread.  I do enjoy the fact that Neil loves it.  It is an expression of love and he receives it from me.  When my focus is on love it looks different.  It is freeing.  It does not mean I want him in my way while I am baking but my response is different.  I can actually speak civilly to him and let him know that I will be in the kitchen for a little while and need to be alone while baking.  There is no grudges or manipulation going on.  I bake the same loaf of bread either way but the rest of my day goes differently.  I am able to enjoy Neil when my focus is on love.  I do not really enjoy any of it when my focus is on it just being a rule I have to follow on Sunday afternoons. 

 Jesus is reminding the disciples that He is all they need.  He is right there with them.  He is the way.  By focusing on Him, the tasks will get done.  They will be done through love because He is love and when our focus stays on Him love flows out of what we do.  Our relationships grow deeper and deeper.  We are changed because of Him. 

 Now don’t get me wrong.  I am definitely not saying that every Sunday afternoon I bake the most loving loaf of bread you could ever have.  I have plenty of Sunday afternoons where I bake bread begrudgingly.  However, I also know what it is like to bake bread lovingly and that is the experience I would choose.  Because I know and have experienced the latter, I am able to catch myself when I am baking for any other reason than love.  I can then choose to continue with that focus or talk it through with God and Neil which brings my focus back on Him. 

 I encourage you to look for your focus this week.  I am definitely not asking you to do this in order to beat yourself up but so you can see how your focus affects you. 


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Right Here, Right Now

“Choosing” by Alli Rogers

I guess I need to choose
But today I am confused and losing ground
Is this part of some plan?
The rise and fall of man?
I can’t be sure

When I’m away from my source of peace
Something fills that space in me
And it feels like I don’t need you

It’s easy to get by
When I don’t even try to find the truth
Today I learned that faith
Is not to be obtained like a place I can go

It’s more of a choice than a feeling
More of a wound that healing
The act of believing in you

And I guess I need to choose
But today I am confused
And losing ground

But maybe this is where I grow
When I admit that I don’t know
When belief becomes the only way to you

The above lyrics are to a song that I love. A song that speaks volumes to me. It’s written and sung by Alli Rogers and I recommend you check her out.

The song starts out saying what I say to myself quite often. I feel lost, confused and unsure what my life is supposed to look like. Sometimes I hide behind these feeling and emotions and tell myself that “it’s easier to get by when I don’t even try to find the truth”. That sounds like something I have to work at. I don’t know how to even begin doing that though.

But then there’s the line that says faith is not obtained like a place I can go. That doesn’t match my tendency to put God and faith in this far away place that I’m trying to get to. I can try and try but walking this path leads only to us “losing ground and being confused”. I can work on finding the plan God has for me and surely I’ll finally get to the point I can talk with God and He’ll be ready to help me right?

I know this is a false belief if I stop and look at God’s truth that tells me He is omnipresent and that He is loving on me right here where I’m at. Trusting in God in my present circumstances is faith. That may look like admitting I don’t know, admitting I’m confused and then choosing to trust my loving Father. It’s not the picture I’ve always had in my mind of God sitting on a throne with his arms crossed waiting for me to finally find him. It’s God standing with me as I face my confusion, my wounds, and whatever else comes my way. This is how I grow.


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Experiencing Love, Part 2

If you have not already, I encourage you to read my post from last week before reading this one.  Last week I shared my experience with opening up about not experiencing God’s love.  I knew what I believed to be true but felt like an imposter because I did not feel like I had actually experienced these truths like other people had seemed to.  I was asked a couple of key questions and encouraged you to ask yourself as well.  What does it look like for God to love me?  What do I think it should look like?

We can begin by looking at our relationships with others.  When do I receive love from my husband or others that I trust?  What does that look like?

When I pondered those questions and was truly honest with myself my answer revolved around performance.  I am able to receive love from my close relationships when I think they are pleased with me.  I am not saying that they think this way but this is what goes on in my mind.  When they are happy and enjoying what I have done for them then they can enjoy me.  The moment I do something wrong I immediately think the opposite becomes true.  I take their unhappiness very personal.  When this happens, either I become defensive and angry or I try to fix it and immediately start apologizing.  So, am I truly receiving love from them even when everyone is happy & pleased?  I do not think I can if I am solely basing it on my performance and actions.

When I equate giving and experiencing love with what I do for others then I am affecting my ability to actually experience the love they have for me and to offer them the love I truly have for them. 

 If my relationships with others are based on my performance then I see my relationship with God the same way.  The way we view and interact with others reflects the way we view and interact with God. Therefore, if we perform for love with our close relationships with people, then we do the same with God.  This truth bears an answer to my question of how I seek God’s love.  For much of my life, my motive was attempting to earn love. I did not realize this, but it was something I felt I had control over since it was all up to me to earn. My flesh tells me I must perform well to be loved, and I bought that lie hook, line, and sinker. The sad result of that perspective was a lack of experiencing true love. I failed more than I succeeded in feeling like I performed well. It is so much work to please so many others and God. I can only do so much, and it was never enough. I do not have the energy to flip all the switches and keep all the lights burning. The best I could experience was a love that was conditional, as it was dependent upon my performance for Him and others. Sometimes I felt okay, most of the time I did not. In recent years, I have intentionally departed from that mindset. I have found myself saying “no” to things that I used to would have said “yes” to.  Separating “working for Him” from “being loved by Him” has proven to be a struggle for me. Since deep down I still often tie love to performance, I have found myself frequently missing the experience of His deep love for me.

God tells us that His love is free and unconditional.  It is not at all related to what I do.  His love is there because of who He is and because of who I am in Christ.  Wayne Jacobsen wrote a great book entitled He Loves Me.  I have read it multiple times and am finding myself going through it again as I question what it looks like for God to love me.  He says “But perception is not necessarily reality.  If we define God only in our limited interpretation of our own circumstances, we will never discover who He really is.”  He goes on to say, “God knows how difficult it is for us to accept His love, and He teaches us with more patience than we’ve ever known”.

Father, than you for your patience.  Thank you for loving us even though we cannot comprehend it.  Thank you for your love that is pure, true and unconditional.  Father, show us how you love us intimately and personally.  Help us experience it for what it is and not for what we sometimes think it is.


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Experiencing Love, Part 1

Have you ever had that nagging thought that makes you question everything about yourself?  You know, that thing that pops up over and over and you begin to wonder if your life is real or if it’s a charade.   I have been struggling recently with this question, “Do I really believe what I say I believe?”.    Different little things pop into my mind and tell me that I’m an imposter.  A fake.  A hypocrite.  I couldn’t take it anymore.  It was time to get this out.  I decided to open up and talk with my husband.

I began blubbering and making no sense.  Did I really want to say this aloud?  I was in a safe place with someone I trusted so yes, I did want to say this out loud.  I was tired of it controlling my mind.

I began explaining what I know is true.  God loves me unconditionally.  I have been saved by His grace and love.  I do not have to earn his love and grace.  It is a free gift from God.  This removes striving, people pleasing, hiding, etc.  I am free from the bondage of sin.  I still have flesh and I still sin but it no longer defines me.   I am righteous.  I am Christ in Melissa McLamb.   I know these things are true.

So what’s the problem?  Well to be honest, I know these truths but I don’t feel like I have actually experienced these truths.  I don’t have a “big story” of how I experienced it like others often seem to have.  I mean, I have a story but it doesn’t seem significant or impactful.  It doesn’t seem real.

I realize that I haven’t experienced my own story!  That was eye opening.

Neil asked, “What does it look like for God to love you?  What do you think it should look like?”.  I didn’t have an answer to those questions.  I had never thought about it.  I had only thought about what it looked like when God loved other people, not me.  I get uncomfortable when I actually think about God loving me.  That’s getting very personal!

God is going to approach us from a perspective of fully knowing and understanding who we are.  He is not going to force me to experience His love in an uncomfortable way.  He has good intentions and He doesn’t mess up.

I encourage you to ask yourself those same questions.  What does it look like for God to love you?  What do you think it should look like?  It is personal.  It is your story.  It is unique and special because you are special and loved by God.


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