
Recognizing Good, Helpful Friends

Over the course of our lives, we encounter difficult times. We have different paths, and some of us seem to struggle more than others. However, we all have something in common when it comes to those trying times. It’s helpful to have good friends to invite into our lives, to lean on as we experience hardship. I’m very thankful to have had some of those at just the right times.

It can be difficult to identify those special ones who can be a conduit for God’s love and comfort right when we need it. Thankfully, there’s several characteristics to look for when determining who we can turn to in a time of need.

Relationship is the priority.

For a person to offer us what we need in a crisis, their priority must be to engage an authentic relationship with us. If they do not care about getting to know us for who we really are, the interactions with them will be surface at best. No real healing can take place in that environment, because the real stuff doesn’t come up.

No fixing!

If pursuing and enjoying a relationship is the priority, fixing each other won’t be. This one sounds counter-intuitive when we are seeking help in a time of need. However, assuming someone else can actually fix us, or teach us how to fix ourselves, is dangerous. The harder we try to be fixed, the more depressed we get as we fail at it. When we lean on someone whose main goal is to fix us, they will be eager to tell us what to do. They will also get frustrated or lose interest when they see us fail to adhere to their directions. That kind of experience adds to the hopeless feelings we may already be struggling with.

We do not find what we need by striving and working harder to do it by human effort. However, when we are with someone who offers us a safe place to open up, we are finally able to lay down the self-effort that has failed us, take off masks that we may have been wearing a long while, and allow our Father, God, to engage those broken areas in our hearts.

Trust is essential.

We tend not to share our true selves with someone who is untrustworthy, and if we do, we eventually get hurt. It takes time to see whether or not someone is trustworthy. As we take the risk to open up, bit by bit, we will see how the other person handles it. A trustworthy person will treat our experiences and disclosures with the upmost respect. They will seek to understand and comfort us when we need it.

Nothing remains hidden.

The masks must come off in a healing relationship. And the masks that come off should not be from one side of the relationships only. If the one we are sharing ourselves with is the right person for us to turn to, he or she will also freely share his or her own life experiences, feelings, and failures. That last one might be the most important. A helpful, loving friend is not afraid to reveal his or her imperfections. They can openly admit they are wrong.

We’re viewed as a Saint who sometimes fails.

The most helpful of friends will be those that seek to know us for who we really are. Once they see behind all the junk that may be in our lives, they focus on our true identity. God does this. Once He changes us by adopting us as His children, He no longer views us as sinners. Through Jesus, He views us as saints (Ephesians 1). Good friends follow God’s lead and view us as someone who fails, but they do not identify us by those failures. Instead, they remind us of who we really are, and argue against anything that says anything different.

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Knowing God Can be Scary

When I was young, I was terrified of God. That may sound foreign to some reading this, but what I knew and understood about Him ignited a deep fear that plagued me for many years. My fear was not always obvious. It did not simply show itself as me constantly crouching in a corner of my room, scared God would toss a lightening bolt at me. My fear presented itself in other ways.

When we know God, but do not trust Him, fear is inevitable.

I learned a lot about God growing up. Some of it was good and truthful information, some bad and distorted. I have learned that it is typical for all of us to gather both good and bad information over the course of our lives about Him. One problem is, we tend to lean towards the distortions rather than the truth. From all the information I gathered, God did not seem like someone I could trust. I knew I was supposed to have faith in Him, but deep down, I was scared of Him so I would make sure to keep Him at a distance. If He got close, I figured He would see me for who I really was and punish me somehow.

Knowing God, without trusting Him, leaves us with two options. 

There’s two ways I often responded to my fears and kept others at a distance. First, I could ignore them, or act as if they were not there. Knowing that God was everywhere did not stop me from acting like He wasn’t. I would do this when I was certain my behavior would displease Him. If I could block out the fact that He was present, I felt like I was easing some of the pain of guilt, shame, and fear that was tormenting me. If that would not work, I could always try to make Him happy. The tricky thing about trying to appease Him is that it looked like I was attempting to get close to Him. Heck, even I thought I was doing that. However, trying to please someone you believe deep down cannot be pleased does not lead to intimacy. Instead, it leads to an “arm’s length” approach in which I tried to keep God at a safe distance so that He was not quite as angry as He could be, while still wanting more from me. It was similar to the old saying, “Ain’t nobody happy if mama ain’t happy”, which carries the assumption that all mothers are very hard to please, but you must try your best to do so to avoid their wrath. For me, it was “If God ain’t happy, nobody ain’t happy”. And, in my mind, He was never happy with me for long!

What if God is not asking us to work harder to please Him? 

The last decade of my life has been a wild one. Through many hardships, I have discovered that I had been mistaken, in a lot of ways, about this God I thought I knew. As it turns out, God is not as unhappy with me as I thought. He is not expecting me to do more for Him to please Him. Instead, He invites us all into a relationship with Him in which He strongly desires us to be close with Him. The last thing He wants is for His children to be scared of Him, so that we run or try to make Him happy with things that He doesn’t even want from us. Instead, what He really wants is what anyone seeking an authentic relationship wants: trust, along with the giving and receiving of love. He’s already taken care of all the garbage that could keep us from Him. Jesus came into this world and displayed His Father’s love in all that He did, right down to taking care of that sin problem we all have. Through Jesus, God is pleased with us!

When we do not rest in our Father’s grace and assume He loves us no matter what, we are left with two empty and heartbreaking approaches to life: trying to appease Him or avoiding Him. When we embrace the reality of His unconditional love, and let Him teach us how to live in it, we begin to find ourselves less scared, more free, and discovering who He really created us to be as we walk alongside Him.

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Five Relationship Killers

I had a good friend contact me this week with a question. She asked, “What did BP GAS stand for?”, referring to a conversation we had a while back. I laughed because I knew exactly what she was referring to. Years ago, I came up with an acronym to help me remember five things that are detrimental to relationships. “BPGAS” isn’t exactly the coolest acronym ever, and is a little weird, but it works for me.

“B” is for Blame.

When we focus only on the shortcomings of others and blame them for whatever is going on, we fail to look at ourselves. Matthew 7 states that Jesus stressed the importance of self-awareness, rather than focusing our full attention on how others are in the wrong. If we are only focused on what others might be doing wrong, then we never join God in dealing with our own issues. Subsequently, our relationships suffer due to the fact that we do not own our part in issues that arise, we refuse to apologize for anything, and we blindly believe any problem is always someone else’s. Our only action becomes finding a way to dodge responsibility.

“P” is for Pity.

This one works VERY well for the most part…that is, if you want others to feel sorry for you. During a pity party, we want others to think we have been dealt a bad hand in life. We want them to think we’ve done all we can, but we just can’t get ahead. “Poor pitiful _____ (insert first name here)”. When we throw a pity party, we seek something from others. A pity party is all about getting others to do something for us, like give us money, a job, or attention. One big problem is a pity party never produces an opportunity to be truly accepted and loved, which is an essential part of relationships. When we seek pity, the most we can get is pity. There is no respect involved. It may feel like acceptance, but it is far from it. And with pity parties, we make it all about ourselves and ignore the needs of others.

“G” is for Guilt.  

This one is a lot like Blame, but it deserves it’s own category. Sometimes we want others to feel guilty for something, but we don’t necessarily blame them directly. I can blame my wife for not reminding me to take out the trash (which would be massively irresponsible on my part). However, I could get more creative and try to guilt her indirectly. For instance, I could say, “I sure do wish I could have been reminded that the trash truck was coming by today. Man, that means I will have to go to the dump, I guess.” Guilt is sneaky and not as aggressive as outright blame. The word “should” is used a lot. This is a popular choice in large groups, even churches sometimes. Although guilt may motivate people to do what we want them to do, it is in no way connected with the freedom and love that drives healthy relationships.

“A” is for Anger.

While some of us hide our anger, there are many of us that do not. And for those that do not like confrontation, anger can seem like an ideal way to motivate people. A raised voice and scowl might scare certain others into submission. Using anger in this way is downright abusive, although it can be done in such a way that it doesn’t seem that bad. Regardless of how “nice” we make it sound, anger does nothing to draw us closer to others. Fear and love are mutually exclusive.

“S” is for Shame. 

“You are a bad wife!” “You are an idiot!” Those are just a couple of examples of shaming someone. Perhaps we want our spouse to behave differently, or have our child make better choices. Instead of approaching them with gentleness and love, we are often tempted to make their identity synonymous with whatever perceived shortcoming we are focused on. Shaming someone does not simply state, “I don’t like what you did”. It instead says, “You are messed up. You are not good enough. You are a bad person. I do not like who you are.” The act of shaming someone is an attempt to tear them down, and the relationship with that person is torn down with it. Healthy relationships can contain constructive criticism of behaviors, but they are built on a foundation of love and acceptance of who the persons are. They are not built on rejection.

The first step to avoiding BPGAS.

All five parts of BPGAS are manipulative behaviors. When we choose to manipulate people with these, or any other method, our relationships suffer for it. It’s hard not to fall into a cycle of using one or more of these, especially with those we are around the most. There’s much more to it than this, but the first step to avoiding manipulative behaviors is to acknowledge we engage in them. If we focus on the log in our own eyes rather than the speck in someone else’s, like Jesus lovingly encouraged us to do, God can begin to help us see when we are choosing to blame, seek pity, guilt others, scare others with anger, or shame someone.

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Upcoming Announcement…Please Read!

I briefly mentioned several weeks ago on my Facebook page that I would be making an announcement soon. There are only a few more things that must fall into place before I am able to share with you what I am so excited about. It’s been a long and bumpy path to get this far, but we’re very close. I am hoping to be able to reveal the news around the first of January 2016…perhaps even sooner.

What I can tell you right now is this…along with the announcement, I will begin posting a series of blog posts. All of these posts will directly correlate with the announcement. There will be other related events over the following months as well.

Again, please consider subscribing to my website so that you will be sure to receive updates when I have posted something new, and so you will not miss the big news when it comes time to share it.



  • photo for this post provided by Melissa McLamb

How Does God Feel About Us?

My son, Michael, came home from college last night for the Thanksgiving weekend. He is finishing up his first semester next week. Although it has been an exciting few months for him, it has also been a busy and trying time for him. Adjusting to a new environment with new expectations and new people is not always easy. I know he has been challenged at times. I’m sure it has not been a perfect semester for him. Although his performance has been great, that’s not really my focus. I am proud of him no matter what and excited to spend time with him. I simply cannot say enough good things about him. He is my son, and I love him.

Judging ourselves by our circumstances or behavior is like riding a roller coaster.

Over the past decade, my life has changed significantly. I have gone from being an agoraphobic basket case, to quitting my accounting job, to going back to school, to youth ministry, to being a full-time counselor, to burnout, to where I am now: counseling, writing, and working full-time in accounting again. Throughout these past ten years, there have been moments in which I struggled and times in which I was not proud of my actions. There have been other moments in which I was content with my circumstances and where my decisions led me. When I judged myself by my actions and circumstances along the way, my feelings about myself were like a roller coaster…up and down, up and down, intensely sharp curve!, up  and down.

God does not ride the roller coaster.

What our Father says about us remains the same. It is perfectly consistent. His feelings about us are the same after a poor decision as they are when we make great decisions. He is not easily angered and unpredictable in His feelings towards us.

So, how does God REALLY feel about us?

Like the love I have for my son right now, our Father’s love never waivers towards us. It is intensely strong all the time. He focuses on knowing us for who we really are as His beloved children…not our behaviors. He lavishes His love on us (1 John 3:1). He is proud of us, His children. Although it’s tempting to believe we are messed up sometimes, He did not make mistakes when He knitted us together in the womb. Can He be surprised by our bad choices? No, there is nothing He does not foresee. And despite knowing everything we have done and will do, He still chooses to love us regardless.

Embracing God’s love makes a much bigger impact than we might think.

There’s many amazing things that occur when unconditional love from our Father is truly embraced. Being loved produces courage and confidence. It heals our emotional wounds. Bondage to fears is broken. It melts away bitterness and grudges, and our relationships flourish. Sometimes it is hard to accept this love when so many things in our lives screams it cannot be true, but it’s worth a fight to do so. It deeply matters what we believe about God’s feelings towards us. Trusting Him when He says He loves us changes everything.


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Surrender to a Better Quality of Life

There are things in this life that we can control, but there are many things we cannot. Knowing the difference can lead to a better quality of life.

Attempting to control things adds stress to our lives.

The inevitable result of trying to control something that is beyond our control is stress. The reason for this is it is the goal to control the uncontrollable is an impossible goal to achieve. Even with a lot of focus and work, it’s always uncertain if we will get what we want. The stress from this can quickly lead to anxiety, anger, and feelings of hopelessness. These emotional states are not only draining, but if they are sustained, they can cause physical issues such as headaches, insomnia, stomach aches, and high blood pressure.

Attempting to control others hinders and even damages our relationships.

We all have free choice. We can manipulate each other to a certain extent, with things like guilt, fear, and anger, but it is actually beyond our control to consistently make others do what we want them to do. Even if we are successful in getting others to comply with what we want them to do, they do it begrudgingly and not because they want to do it. There are enemies of love between two people, and manipulation is at the top of the list. Relationships grow and flourish in an environment that is free, not based on control.

Attempting to control the outcome of situations prevents us from enjoying the moment.

Planning and looking ahead is important. But, if taken too far, it becomes a drain on our joy in life. One necessary element of enjoying life is being able to live in the moment. When we worry about tomorrow, we fail to see what is going on around us…right now. Enjoyment is not found in planning for what might happen tomorrow. It is found in enjoying what we have right now, whether it be a conversation with a coworker or a glass of lemonade on the back porch.

We are tempted to control things at the expense of our quality of life.

None of us would knowingly and willingly give up a better quality of life without being fooled into it somehow. There is, in fact, a trick to it. While trying to be in control feels great in the moment, it is only an illusion that robs us of joy, emotional and possibly physical health, and satisfying relationships with others. It feels good because we are somehow fooled into believing it is better for us to control whatever or whoever we are dealing with at the moment. It feels like there is less risk involved. It also feels good because we are often avoiding the things we fear in life when we are trying to be in control; things such as rejection, failure, and “something bad happening if I’m not prepared enough”. However, when we run from our fears, they tend to grow into monsters over time which are much more difficult to face.

Surrendering Control offers more benefits than the illusion of control could ever promise.

We are let down over and over as we strive to maintain control. Only when we are able to let go of our false sense of control can we truly experience freedom. We can enjoy the moment instead of focusing on what might happen tomorrow. In relationships, surrendering control creates a fertile environment for trust and love to grow and mature. It offers the opportunity to discover who we really are and actually be ourselves rather than hide behind masks that a controlling outlook requires.

The cure for control is trust.

Surrendering control is much easier said than done. We do not typically even consider surrendering as an option until our controlling ways have produced so much heartache that we want out. It’s still a choice, though. And it’s one God has been calling out to us to make in every area of our lives that we want to hold onto the bondage of being in control. The cure for the motive of control is faith. If we truly trust someone, we lose the drive to control them. When we trust our loving Father, the drive to control is removed as the driving force behind everything we do. Emotional, and sometimes physical, healing follows.

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Strategy, Rules, and Love

I have known and been exposed to the Bible my whole life. Growing up in what is referred to as “the Bible belt” and having parents that wanted to introduce me to the God they knew, it was kind of hard for it not to be in some way. I do not say this to be a bad thing. Having such steady access to the truth that is available in Scripture has proven to help me along the way. However, I have noticed a trend that has hurt me and tripped me up at certain moments in my life. I have found myself, at times, viewing the Bible as something it is not…or at least grossly understating all that it is.

The Bible is not just a strategy guide.

My friend, Lavelle, and I spent many years of our youth trying to figure out how to beat the newest video game. When all else failed, we would seek out a video game magazine with a strategy guide in it that walked us through how to defeat that one boss we couldn’t seem to overcome. Sometimes we would get lost in one of the game’s large maps and were at a loss as to which way to go. Again, we’d look for the latest strategy guide, in hopes that it would show us what to do next.

I have found myself wanting to use the Bible in the same way. There have been times in which I did not know what to do, so I would pick up the Bible and randomly search for an answer. You know, the old “close your eyes and open it up to a random page” trick. Many times, I came up empty. Or, sometimes, I would be convinced I found an answer, only to be disappointed in the outcome of applying it. While full of truth and direction, it seems the Bible is not just a strategy guide with specific answers as to what to do in order to move on to the next stage.

The Bible is not just a rule book.

Wouldn’t it be easier if God would just tell us what to do all the time? I do not think I’m alone in occasionally feeling that way. However, when I treat the Bible like it’s just a book of rules to follow, I quickly find myself discouraged. I just cannot seem to do all the things I need to be doing. And I cannot seem to not do all the things I’m not supposed to do. It’s frustrating to live my life trying to follow the rules. Actually, it feels downright hopeless.

The Bible is God’s love letter to us.  

Instead of simply viewing the Bible as a strategy guide, or a rule book, I believe there is much more to it. For one thing, it is full of accounts of real people, like you and me, who struggled in life. They were not perfect. They were far from it. Abraham lied and acted cowardly when he was afraid other men might find his wife attractive, so he would tell them she was his sister. David was into pornography in at least one point in his life, as he would go to the top of his palace and view women taking baths on their roofs. Moses acted out of his anger more than once, killing another person in one of his outbursts. The issues these guys and others in the Bible had are things we can connect with, if we are honest. It’s good to connect with others who are forthcoming about their shortcomings. It helps us to know we are not alone.

But then there are incredible stories about how God walks along beside these people, who are much like you and I. These men and women behave poorly, and even blatantly rebel against Him at times. However, God loves them anyway. In fact, He seems to go to great measures to free them from their troubles and give them what they really need. The craziest part of it is He does not require great life strategies or rule-following from them. Nope, He doesn’t demand that they “do better” or “quit doing that bad thing they keep doing all the time” before He offers His love to them. Instead, He freely invites them to trust Him and then embrace an actual relationship with Him. And He didn’t just say it, He proved this love. Christ came and vividly revealed the love this Father has for His children. One reason He did this was so that when we lose sight of how He feels about us, we can remember this great act of God that, once and for all, ended the bondage to sin and displayed a love that was more powerful and secure than anything we could imagine.

To treat this conglomeration of books as merely a strategy guide or book of rules is to vastly understate and overlook the much bigger picture. For one thing, we seem to have a thorough love letter in the 66 books we call the Bible.


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Performing Well

I remember when I was in high school, I was chosen to compete for a scholarship to one of the universities I was considering attending. I was extremely nervous when I arrived at the place where they would be conducting an interview. Through this interview process, they would eliminate the majority of the nominees. When my name was called, I walked towards the door to where the interview would take place. As a lady escorted me inside, I saw several more interviewers than I expected. There was a place for me at the head of the long table, and several men and women were seated down each side of it. Their judgment of my performance those next few moments would decide whether or not I would be accepted as a potential finalist. Driven by anxiety and fear, I tried to give them what I thought they wanted to hear. In the end, it was not enough. I did not move on to the next phase of the competition.

We are programmed to perform.

Much of what we do in our lives revolves around some sort of performance. If we do not perform well in school, we get bad grades. If we do not perform well at work, we face consequences such as discipline and possibly even termination. Many of our friends and acquaintances expect us to come through for them in some way. In many church settings, if we are not heavily involved, we feel guilty as others pressure us to do more. We are constantly encouraged or required to perform to a certain degree.

There are different kinds of performances; some healthy, some not so healthy. 

A quick search brought me to two separate definitions for the word “performance”. (1) One definition has to do with acting on a stage, in a play, concert, or other form of entertainment. This can also be done informally, when we exaggerate a behavior in order get more attention. (2) The other definition has to do with “carrying out or accomplishing an action, task, or function”.

Unless we are actors on stage, there’s not much room for definition #1  as a healthy part of our lives. As off-stage actors, we fail to be ourselves and constantly try to acquire the praise and acceptance of others. Definition #2 can be a very healthy part of our lives. It’s actually a necessary one in order for us to be productive in our daily tasks and relationships with others.

God wants us to be who He created us to be, not put on an act and try to be someone else.

When God accepts us as His beloved children, He does so by grace through faith. He does not require an interview process in which we need to perform well. He does not require us to be on a certain number of committees in the church. He does not ask that we come through for Him perfectly with proper behavior. Through His unconditional love and acceptance in Christ, we are who He created us to be: saved, holy, citizens of heaven, free from condemnation, chosen, free, accepted, secure, and significant. Our only performance should be definition #2…carrying out our identity in Him, being who we truly are in our everyday lives. When we fail to see this performance in our lives, rather than reverting back to definition #1 and trying to put on an act and fake our way through it, we need only revisit the truths of who He is and who He has created us to be. At times like that, we need to embrace His love and grace to revitalize us and remind us of who we are.

We have no reason to hide behind a mask. The faces He has given us are what this world needs. And its what He loves and desires as well. A good performance is based on trusting Him and being true to who we really are, not trying to please Him or others with a good act.


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Pulling Away for Some “ME-time”

Time alone is important to me. Without it, I am not myself. If I go a few days without taking time to decompress, I get agitated, anxious, and exhausted. Some of us tend to recharge our batteries with alone time, like me. Others are invigorated by being around others. My son is a good example. However, none of us are without the need to take time to shut everything out and meditate on what’s going on inside of us.

We must forcefully make time to be alone.

Jesus would often pull away from people for some time alone. He did not always wait for things to settle down around him, giving Him an opportunity. In fact, He was vigilant to MAKE it happen. He would take time to Himself even when people were crowding around Him seeking something from Him. Luke tells us about this here:

But now even more the report about (Jesus) went abroad, and great crowds gathered to hear him and to be healed of their infirmities. But he would withdraw to desolate places and pray. (Luke 5:15-16, ESV)

It appears Jesus knew something important about alone time: if He did not make time for it Himself, no one else would do it for Him. If He had depended on others, He would have waited until it was convenient for everyone else. That most likely would have been never.

Making time to be alone is not necessarily selfish.

Jesus fully trusted God and never sinned, so He was not doing wrong when He pulled away from others for a while. This may appear odd, especially to those of us who are compelled to give of ourselves until there’s nothing left to give. There’s no reference to Him apologizing for His decisions to pull away, which I can’t help but think would have been quite annoying to some people who really really really wanted Him to do something for them. This leads me to the conclusion that Jesus knew time alone is not wrong because it was more important to Him than what people might have thought about Him for taking time for it. Why else would He make such an effort to engage in it without any apologies or the need to offer excuses?

We must seek the right balance of “people-time” and “me-time”.

It’s easy to get lost in busyness. Aside from our daily tasks, there’s often a sea of people seeking something from us. While relationships are important, and we must engage and offer ourselves in them to enjoy them and allow them to flourish, the time away is important as well. For me, one without the other is rather miserable. Without ample time alone, I’m so tired I cannot even enjoy a simple conversation with anyone. If I withdraw too much, I’m alone and miserable. A good, healthy medium is necessary. Knowing ourselves is important in figuring out how to balance the two because we all are wired differently, requiring a different mixture of “people-time” and “me-time”.

“Alone time” doesn’t have to be spent all alone.

How we engage in our time alone may vary, but one thing is for sure: much of it needs to be spent in introspection. We need to make our alone time worthwhile. Sometimes we may be so exhausted, staring at a wall for 30 minutes is the best thing we could possibly do for ourselves. However, if we never use our time alone to examine our thoughts and emotions, we are missing out on making the most of it. Few days should pass that we do not take time to look at what we are thinking and feeling. Our thoughts and emotions tell us so much about what is going on with us. They sometimes are evidence of potential issues we need to address. Once we see signs and symptoms of something going on, our alone time can become intimate God-time. We need to know what’s going on inside of us, but when we see something stirring, we need more than our own willpower to move forward. When Jesus engaged in His last bout of “alone-time” recorded in the Gospels, He was in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-46). He cried out to God. He strongly expressed the emotions He was experiencing. He surrendered His own will, renewing His trust in His Father. That’s what He needed to move forward with His pending crucifixion.

Whether it’s crying out to Him or quietly listening for His guidance, we, too, have a desperate need to embrace His grace and love by faith. That trust in Him is what compels and empowers us to face whatever our next step in life may be.


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Habitual Line Stepper

When I arrive home from work each day, the first thing I do is pull over to the left-hand side of the road and get our mail out of the mailbox. To do this, of course, I must roll down the window. I have noticed, since I have been riding with my windows down, I automatically hit the button to open the window even though it’s already open! It’s kind of annoying, really. I roll my eyes at myself each time I do it.

Some habits really hurt.

If my inability to break habits was limited to simply trying to roll my window down when it is already down, it would not be that big of a deal. But, it’s not. This past weekend, my wife and I had ant problems. Ants decided they really wanted some of the food in our pantry. It was a mess. I was ticked. For years, I have known the tendency I have to take control of a situation like that and make demands of Melissa until things get fixed. If she does not move as fast as I would like for her to, the tendency is to act like even more of a jerk. Needless to say, she had every right to knock me upside the head before those ants were evicted from our home.

Apologies are only the beginning.

Later, I addressed my behavior with her. An apology was in order, but there needed to be more. Obviously, I’m a habitual line stepper (for those of you who never watched The Chappelle Show, it means I have a habit of crossing the line). To simply seek her forgiveness is a great thing to do. Owning my issues is awesome, but if I do not work hard to get to the root of why I keep crossing that line, I might as well save my breath. In fact, I probably do not even mean the apology to begin with.

Habits are behaviors, and behaviors are a symptom of something else.

Digging deeper, I realized quickly what was happening. I have been busy lately. Very busy. It’s been to the point that I really do not like for something to come along and mess up my already flooded schedule of responsibilities. On top of that, fears have been creeping in. I noticed fears of failure and a few other things controlling my thinking. Since I had been allowing fear and anxious busyness to drive me, it’s no wonder I crossed the line and acted out.

Dealing with our core issues is nobody’s responsibility but our own.

I could spend time blaming Melissa for not moving fast enough when the ants were trying to take over. I could blame the people who built our house for not sealing the cracks well enough. I could even blame God for “allowing it to happen”. But if I play the blame game, I avoid personal responsibility for how I reacted to a situation. If I point the finger at others, I fail to allow God to work in my heart and deal with my fears and what’s driving them. The blame game (and any other form of not looking at myself) is not only a waste of time, it hurts me, hurts others, and prevents any growth…so that the habitual line stepping continues unchecked. Anything left unchecked flourishes.


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