The following is a guest post by my wife, Melissa. I strongly encourage ladies who are reading this to consider contacting her regarding the opportunity she offers below. – Neil
Florence Nightingale once said that health is not only to be well, but to use well every power we have. I think she was talking about our bodies. God made our bodies powerful. All parts work together and make us who we are. All parts weave into each other and affect one another. I think the state of how these parts are working together defines where we are on the path of wellness.
Threats to our wellness have a domino effect.
Lots of different things affect where we are on the path of wellness: breathing, sensing, eating, moving, our feelings, our thoughts, playing & working, intimacy, how we communicate, etc. Each one of these things affects the other. When one thing is off, our body knows it and lets us know it. We may start experiencing fatigue, weight gain, breakdown in communication with our close family & friends, etc. We start thinking we are not enough and we don’t have what it takes to make things better.
A whole person approach to wellness is key.
I have always been interested in the whole person approach to wellness. My career has been in healthcare and I try to treat problems with this approach. I like to read about wellness and talk with others about it. I would love to be able to do more of this, so last fall I started my journey to becoming a wellness coach. I am learning so much about myself along this journey and I am excited about how much more there is to learn! My goal is to use my knowledge and skills as a coach and nurse practitioner to work with women who are tired; tired of feeling worthless, overweight, stressed out, not enough and tired of being tired. As a coach I will work alongside women as they discover truths about themselves. Replacing lies in our heads with truths allows us to become the women we are. This results in forward action, leading to improved body image, work/life balance, improved sleeping & much more.
I am inviting you to join me in this journey.
To complete the class I am currently taking, I need three women that are ready to look at where they are now on their path of health and where they want to go. We will work together for 4-6 sessions and they can be in person or by phone. You will start your journey by taking a wellness inventory assessment and you will have access to lots of valuable information through this program. There is no cost involved to you.
Are you ready to make a move on your path of wellness? If so, please contact me and we will get started on this incredible journey together.
Melissa McLamb, FNP, Coach