Where or on what do you find yourself focused? I tend to frequently catch myself focused on my to-do list. If I were honest with myself, I would have to say that it is my security blanket. I love checking things off and usually for every one thing I check off two more things are added! I get a little anxious if I do not have a long list of to-dos. As I ponder on this I realize that I do the same thing with my relationship with God. I tend to focus on the to-do list and miss seeing Him.
In John Chapter 14, Jesus is talking with the disciples and tells them about his soon coming crucifixion and resurrection. Thomas is confused on what Jesus is talking about and questions how they are supposed to know the way to him. Jesus responds, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me”. (John 14:6, ESV)
Jesus is guiding their focus. He does not mention any task or long list of to-dos that will bring them to Him. He is the way. He is the focus.
If I observe myself enough I will see a pattern. My focus affects me. The effects spills over into my relationships and affect others. For example, my husband, Neil, loves the bread I make and I usually enjoy doing it on Sunday afternoons. Notice I said that I “usually” enjoy it. Where my focus is at explains that statement. When I am doing this strictly out of necessity and because it is a rule I set up for myself then it usually looks like this: I am rude and sarcastic with Neil. Every time he walks by, I am sure to huff, puff and let out a loud sigh. I make a point to let him know that I do not have time to talk because I am making his bread! I am sure you can picture how the rest of afternoon and evening goes from there. Now let’s look at the same scenario from a different focus. The truth is I do enjoy baking bread. I do enjoy the fact that Neil loves it. It is an expression of love and he receives it from me. When my focus is on love it looks different. It is freeing. It does not mean I want him in my way while I am baking but my response is different. I can actually speak civilly to him and let him know that I will be in the kitchen for a little while and need to be alone while baking. There is no grudges or manipulation going on. I bake the same loaf of bread either way but the rest of my day goes differently. I am able to enjoy Neil when my focus is on love. I do not really enjoy any of it when my focus is on it just being a rule I have to follow on Sunday afternoons.
Jesus is reminding the disciples that He is all they need. He is right there with them. He is the way. By focusing on Him, the tasks will get done. They will be done through love because He is love and when our focus stays on Him love flows out of what we do. Our relationships grow deeper and deeper. We are changed because of Him.
Now don’t get me wrong. I am definitely not saying that every Sunday afternoon I bake the most loving loaf of bread you could ever have. I have plenty of Sunday afternoons where I bake bread begrudgingly. However, I also know what it is like to bake bread lovingly and that is the experience I would choose. Because I know and have experienced the latter, I am able to catch myself when I am baking for any other reason than love. I can then choose to continue with that focus or talk it through with God and Neil which brings my focus back on Him.
I encourage you to look for your focus this week. I am definitely not asking you to do this in order to beat yourself up but so you can see how your focus affects you.
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